Volver Subtitles English
Years and years ago I watched "Como agua para chocolate" (1993?) half a dozen times with subtitles. My version had only English subtitles. Eventually I understood what was being said, more or less. I even could hear the regional expression "hay chocolate," which means, in that region, "there is going to be a wedding" (cool, no?).
Volver subtitles English
A week or so ago, I watched "Volver" (2006). Over the years, my study of Spanish has had to be on and off, so I still use English subtitles, but I could understand enough of the spoken Spanish to know that (a) the subtitles weren't first rate and that (b) sometimes the subtitles were cleaned up a bit.
Then a couple of nights ago, I watched "Si te dicen que caí" (1989), a movie based on a Spanish novel by the same name which I am currently reading. I am reading the novel in Spanish, but I watched the movie with English subtitles. The author uses a lot of colloquial expressions and slang, and there is no way that I am at the point of being able to understand them such language just by listening. I had hoped that the movie would (a) be fun to watch and (b) clarify the novel a bit. It was and it did. And the movie interested me enough that I will watch it again, even though it does not have Spanish subtitles. I'll survive.
Sometimes I want to watch a movie just for fun, like with "Volver," and sometimes both for fun and for improving my Spanish, as with "Como agua para chocolate," and sometimes for fun, for improving my Spanish and for clarifying a book, like "Si te dicen que caí." If subtitles in English help (or if they are all the movie has), I use them. If not, not.
I am Spanish and if I have to watch a film with Spanish subtitles I can't ignore those subtitles and I end up reading them and don't paying that much attention to the spoken word. That's why I don't find it useful to watch a film with subtitles in your native language, your brain can only process a few sentences in a row, your concentration diminishes and you'll just end up reading the English subtitles, not learning much although you'll hear Spanish speaking in the background.
Then watch them without subtitles. In this phase you'll probably won't get much at the beginning, just "hola", "sí"... basic things. Your brain will just have to get used it. The more films you watch, the more phrases and words you'll understand. You just have to assume that you'll suffer a lot, but that phase will pass and you'll be able to understad most of what it's being said.
If you have enough time and if you've reached an intermediate level I think the best will be to watch a film for the first time without subtitles, the second time with foreign subtitles and the the third time - again without subtitles.
I watched a lot of series episodes in English with English subtitles and it helped me tremendously. I didn't just "watch and read" though. Anytime I saw an unknown word, I looked it up and wrote it down. Afterwards I would watch - or listen to it while doing other things - the whole episode several times.
When I read an article or a forum post and I stumble upon a word I don't know I also look it up, but I find that most of the time I forget it. I need to encounter it a lot of times to remember it. With the English subtitles in general the second time I watched the episode I could tell the meaning of almost every word. Then listening to it in background for a few days made the words stay in my memory, and I still remember most of them in the context I saw/heard them.
There is something called Vista Higher Learning, which has videos in Spanish, and you can watch the subtitles in English or Spanish. Google it, you will find it. It costs like $60 for access to that website though. I think there are only 20 short videos or something, but they also have grammar videos and exercises.
I think watching shows in your target language with subtitles in the target language is one of the best ways to learn. When I'm in the early stages of a language I try to find and read a synopsis in my native language of what I'm going to watch before I watch it, but when watching I never use the English subs.
The problem is it is hard to find Spanish movies and shows with Spanish subtitles, but they're out there. I just picked up a boxed set of a show called Epitafios, which is a thirteen episode thriller series from HBO Latin America. The first season has Spanish subs, and it is a wonderful immersion experience. I've also managed to extract the audio and subs off the dvd, and I'm reviewing each episode in Lingq after each episode.
I mean, if it's important to know what the movie is about (no kidding, I'm serious) - choose English subtitles. (And if you're not used to reading subtitles, you'll learn to skim them in no time.) If you know some Spanish, you'll probably figure out how the words are spelled anyway (Hey, I've watched movies in English with Swedish subtitles all my life and very seldom hear a word I can't spell)
Technological advances have made subtitles more palatable. As more theaters offer stadium seating, the old problem of the moviegoer in front of you blocking your view of the subtitles is eliminated. Filmmakers also are adopting an array of typefaces and colors that make subtitles easier to read; gone are the old days when shaky white lettering disappeared altogether whenever the color white dominated a scene.
Almodovar's movie "Volver" features a song (of the same name) that is really beautiful. The lyrics are beautiful, the singer (Estrella Morente) is beautiful and sings beautifully and Penelope Cruz is beautiful and lip-syncs beautifully (even though I know better, when I watch a video clip, I still can't tell that she's not really singing it). There are several versions on YouTube. One ("Volver song by Raimunda") is taken directly from the movie (with the movie's soundtrack) but is only the second half of the song. Another ("Volver - Estrella Morente - y Letras") contains the full song and captions/subtitles for the lyrics (with one small error). A web search can turn up several other versions of the lyrics but some of them have lots of mistakes.
Volver. 2006. Spain. Written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar. With Penélope Cruz, Carmen Maura, Chus Lampreave, Lola Dueñas, Blanca Portillo, Yohana Cobo. DCP. In Spanish; English subtitles. 121 min.
Parents need to know that Mila in the Multiverse is a sci-fi series where characters travel between multiple universes. There's a fair amount of scariness and violence -- the evil Operator characters are pretty foreboding, and frequently make threats on the characters' lives. While the content is great for tweens, viewers who don't know Portuguese or Spanish will need to read subtitles of the dialogue; the amount of reading may make it more suitable for slightly older kids.
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By contrast, Pedro Almodóvar's Volver (in Spanish with English subtitles) is a campy soap opera that's thrillingly proud to be a campy soap opera. In this wildly overstuffed concoction, Penélope Cruz plays a working-class woman whose teenage daughter murders her father; Cruz assumes responsibility and hides the body in a restaurant freezer. Blanca Portillo plays her cancer-stricken friend who believes that her mother's sudden disappearance is tied to the mysterious deaths of Cruz's parents. And Carmen Maura plays the deceased mother who, it seems, has returned from the grave and is as feisty - and flatulent - as ever. Add to this two separate incestuous encounters, a film crew that descends on Cruz's neighborhood, and a zaftig hooker with a penchant for mojitos, and we'd seem equipped with an entire season's worth of daytime drama. Viva Pedro!
Penelope Cruz stars in this Spanish film about two women who work through their grief after the death of their beloved aunt. They hear unusual stories about the days before her death and while trying to find out the truth about the disappearance of another woman's mother, some dark secrets are uncovered. Also with Carmen Maura, Lola Duenas, Blanca Portillo and Yohana Cobo. Directed by Pedro Almodovar. In Spanish with English subtitles. [1:51]
And by all means visit our friends at Cocina al Natural. Their website and their videos are marvelous. In the very near future, Mexico Cooks! will be partnering with them to post some of the videos with English-language subtitles. We're all very excited about this new venture.
En todo el país, se están levantando las restricciones por el coronavirus y muchas personas están volviendo a viajar, a eventos deportivos y a asistir a eventos culturales en persona. Pero muchos adultos mayores se sienten inseguros acerca de la rapidez con la que deben volver a sus actividades normales. Muchos tienen preguntas sobre la efectividad de la vacuna, particularmente con las nuevas variantes de COVID-19 en circulación, y hasta qué punto se puede salir en público y estar a salvo.
Y para aquellos que todavía pueden sentir un poco de ansiedad de volver a las actividades que disfrutábamos antes de la pandemia, algo a considerar es que los estudios recientes sugieren que visitar museos es más seguro que la mayoría de las otras actividades en interiores porque los museos tienden a tener un sistema de ventilación muy bueno. Y también son espacios grandes, donde es bastante fácil mantener la distancia social.
Jean Setzfand: Muy bien, vamos a volver a nuestras expertas. Dra. Neuzil, hemos estado hablando de esto. Es un momento extraordinario en el que muchas personas en el país vuelven a la normalidad lo más rápido posible. Los Gobiernos estatales y locales y los CDC han relajado moratorias y requisitos masivos. 041b061a72